Setting and Rules Update
By PlaneShift Team,
March 13th 2016

A new set of updates to setting and rules, and some fixes coming your way!
Settings - Quests
- Adjusting tutorial quests to improve flow through the quests.
- Tutorial quests still start with Abelia and all players must still do this quest before any others (except exiting the tutorial). The players can then chose to do any of the following quests related to crafting/combat/magic/other in any order they choose. Quest dialogues have been expanded to allow the quests to be done in a linear or random fashion. Dialogue in the quests has also been softened so that it does not say players must do the quests in the tutorial, but now suggests they should do them and says more strongly they can come back later if they choose to. Exit quests from the tutorial with Xenak have also been adjusted to be softer and so you can get out quicker.
- Added dialogue support for new combat additions. The first style will be accessible to players upon completion of certain quest in the 'Guards' chain only. If you have completed the quest already you will automatically gain access.
- Implemented support for on screen messages to make it as clear as possible when you unlock a new combat skill.
- Added a helper system so that newer players should find it easier to find new quests. The system is based around the barkeeps in each city. All you need do is talk to one using the available menu and you will be pointed to wards one open quest randomly.
- Improved/adjusted dialogue or quest progression in Meoeor wants to Win the Game, Veja's stolen stock, Becoming a Blue Way Adept, Beginning the Red Way Apprenticeship, Govell Mihdren Needs Tattoo Ink, Remnant's Sword, Murago Puntjal's Quick Favour, Krestal's Letter Delivery, Something's Brewing, Knowledge of the Dark Way Adept .. and more
- Added Arrows to Neave so that players in the tutorial are able to buy more arrows if they run out. Also KAs to say the same added to Neave and Ibhaar.
- Fixed typos with variable removal in The Arrivals and Something's Brewing.
- Fixed a bug in The Arrivals which meant you could only use the fast travel from Hydlaa once.
- Added a new legends quest to go along with a new boss.
- Some gold man pop ups have been added in game to aid with learning new skills, such as the new special combat attacks.
- Add a quest for each way that will allow you to get your Circle Staves repaired back to Q50 if you have been using them to bash NPCs.
- The repeatable skill quests will now award you with 1 skill level, not just tria when you complete them.
- Combat fixes including attack distance/timing
Settings - Factions
- A new script has been implemented in the magic way quest lines to change how faction points are awarded.
- Faction descriptions have been changed for the six Ways to show how faction level is now an indication of In Character Rank for each Circle and not an indication of how that Way feels about you. Other associations will have the same thing done for them in time.
Settings - Books
- 8 new books have been approved and released.
Settings - NPCs
- A few release ago we added support so that every trainer could tell you what they trained and who to see to train higher and lower levels. This has been removed for skills as it is no longer necessary.
- Every Way Master will now refer to you by your rank once you have reached the first master's rank.
- Improved KA scripts for Pterosaur travel
- Sharven, Jardet, Harnquist all expanded their question menu to help make KAs more visible and easier to get started with.
- Improved some NPC descriptions.
- Updated triggers for base magic KAs so there will be responses to more variations of player questions.
- Add KAs to NPCs in Amdeneir and Ojaveda so they can tell you were all other NPCs are. Just generic responses atm, no NPC specific responses yet. For example, if you are looking for an NPC and ask the one next to it you will get the same response as with any other NPC, for now.
- Updates and clean up for some base Hydlaa and Ojaveda KAs
- Add base KAs for new NPCs which will be released for Amdeneir (greetings/how you/about you, and directions to point you towards where to find NPCs).
- Animations have been added to some KAs which will be triggered upon talking to them. A general example is the greet animation will be played when saying 'hello' to many NPCs.
- Some Klyros now have race specific responses to some triggers which will respond to Klyros players by player name, due to their race specific ability, and other races by race name.
- Updated and added new KAs to many other NPCs.
Settings - NPCs
- NPCs have been added to Amdeneir: Zornatan Xiorad, Kzavu Gilnet, Keiana Xoreloran, Qoien Masoqi, Linoria Dialenie, Muuro Zarel, Rogien Wigor, Qaxin Kaxen, Woorixa Lazdia, Alnaxen Inzein, Noora Wiedsiek, Blxzahe Rlzsda, Lipzawie Foxriw
Settings - Other
- Improved action location description for Groffel's Toe in Ojaveda.
- Updated action locations in Ojaveda so that all gates now give helpful/correct info.
- Created a banquet hall for RP at the Eagle Head Fortress.
- Implemented Feature Request 3231 - Allelia doesn't sell wine
- Implemented Feature Request 6670 - A Bronze Doors RP area.
- Fixed Bug Report 3958 - Faction evaluation superfluous "are".
- Fixed Bug Report 5723 - Jardet Wants Lake Mushrooms as alternative to.
- Fixed Bug Report 6134 - Some errors in my char's CC description
- Fixed Bug Report 6826 - Invalid characters in book.
- Fixed Bug Report 6827 - Typos / discrepancies in quests.
- Fixed at least 100 other player reported bugs in quests and other NPC dialogues.
- No one was selling a furrower, so added to Veja's stock.
Rules - Combat system
- This is the first release featuring a new combat system style: Infantry! This style has been designed to be used alone or in group fights, you will be able to access it by doing the Guards quest chain. If you have already done all the quests you will automatically have access to all the new attacks.
- Along the new style a number of fixes have been made to the standard (default) attack, here is a list of the main changes:
- The default attack will no longer calculate damage and chance to hit on Agility or Strength but will only consider Strength. In the future there will be specific combat styles which will use Agility instad of Strength as its main combat stat.
- Adjustment have been made to defensive factors to avoid damage (Dodge) for defensive and fully defensive stances. Previously the factors were wrongly omitted from calculations.
Rules - Skill Practice
- Previously training a skill from 0 to 200 could take up to 186 hours of game (up to 46 days playing 4h/day). We cut the required practice by 20% meaning it takes 146 hours of game to train a skill up to 200 and 36h to reach rank 100 (the first level of mastery).
Rules - Modifiers
- To account for the new combat system implementation, we have been rethinking the lootable weapon sets. To keep a reasonable balance in the damage dealt we had to take into account two parameters:
- The attack bonus given by the new combat system;
- The attack and damage modifiers of the looted weapons and their cost.
- It will no longer be possible to deal over 2000 damage with a single hit but the relative power level of the looted weapons will not change.
- Here are the details of the changes introduced:
- prefix: all the attack bonuses have been removed
- Adjective: all the weapon base damage modifiers have been removed and converted to attack bonuses
- Suffix: attack and base damage bonuses have been balanced, bonuses to appropriate weapon skills have been introduced
- Many stats bonuses were too low and have been doubled
- Many attack and damage bonuses were to weak compared to their weapon costs and they have been raised
Rules - Factions
- A new script has been written in order to better handle the faction concept for quest. As a result it will make it possible to develop a new specialization system for characters. We will begin to work on it in the next development cycle.
Rules - New Boss
- A new Boss called Stalg is roaming the land of Yliakum. Ask in Gugrontid why it's called like that and where to find it!
Rules - Monsters
- Another group of monsters (Marfusang and Tefusang) will start to make their periodical invasion moving from Bronze Door area to outskirt of hydlaa forest. In the future we plan to add more invading mobs during different in game months. Be ready to defend the hydlaa gates!
Rules - Protected city gates
- We added a special "protection" to the city gates, now when a monster will try to enter the city gates the guards will shout at him and drive away from the city. This should fix the problem of players leading monsters inside the city gates while trying to escape from them.
Rules - Food bonus Fixed
- Food bonus buff length has been extended up to 10 minutes. This should make food a good way to support your character for long time during travels and in the wilderness.
- Minor adjustments to art assets.
- New female Enkidukai robe texture.
- New travel token model and texture for the travel token.
- New icons for special combat moves.
- New emotes with functional animations.